Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kids and Four Worlds Breads.

A customer recently sent this picture to me with a note saying their kids are hooked on the Challahman challah. Makes me hungry just looking at the picture.

Conventional wisdom says that kids don't like whole grain bread. So I was confused when I discovered, years ago, that kids liked the whole grain sourdough breads I was making when baking for Elat Chayyim, a retreat center in the Catskill mountains. Well, actually... "liked" is not the right word, they went crazy over it...they ate my whole wheat challah like it was candy about to be taken away from them. Even my neice was eating these breads when she was one year old.

Why do kids like these breads so much?

Please share your kids stories and send pictures. What do they like to eat with the breads? What is their favorite breads?

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